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2015 Sahara Sand Stump-Jumper Hare Scramble Fundraiser Benefits Eagleswood Township
PRESS RELEASE: May 27, 2015
2015 Sahara Sand Stump-Jumper Hare Scramble Fundraiser Benefits Eagleswood Township
Saturday and Sunday, May 16th & 17th marked the 5th annual Sahara Sand Stump-Jumper Hare Scramble held at the 1,000 acre Sahara Sand mining facility in Eagleswood, NJ. The annual event was presented by Motorcycle Competition, Inc. (MCI) with all entrance fees benefiting Eagleswood Township.
The two day event saw over 800 riders and 1,000 family, friends and spectators enter the Sahara Sand facility. Sanctioned by the East Coast Enduro Association, MCI presented a challenging 12 mile course traversing open fields, wooded trails and sandy hills. The two day event featured racing for all ages and skill levels capped off with a two hour main event featuring the best riders from Pennsylvania to Massachusetts. MCI president Dave Nash stated, “As an organization, we spent a lot of time and resources to create a premiere event and believe it delivered beyond expectations. We are extremely grateful to Sahara Sand for hosting this event and thrilled that we could help Eagleswood Township.
Eagleswood Township was able to raise over $9,000 from collecting entrance fees of five dollars per person. Mayor and event organizer Debra Rivas, was excited with the results of the event,. “ ‘The funds will be used to purchase two portable AED defibrillator units to be housed in the Township and Fire Department buildings. The remainder will be used to offset costs for Recreation Committee sponsored annual community events, 5K Walk/Run this year benefiting the USO Families of the Fallen Support program, the Country Fair and Breakfast with Santa “.
Sahara Sand, a member of the Silvi Group Companies, donates its Eagleswood property twice a year to allow this major fundraiser and another in the Fall benefiting Eagleswood Volunteer Fire Company. “We are very thankful to Sahara Sand for allowing us to hold this event each year,” said Rivas. Among its other various community outreach activities in Eagleswood throughout the year, Sahara Sand supports the Recreation Committee, participates in the annual Country Fair and donates Christmas turkeys to the Eagleswood Volunteer Fire Company.
Photo courtesy of JHC Photographer.
For more information, please contact
Sean W. Earlen
Vice President- Real Estate, Environmental & Public Affairs
Silvi Group Companies
267.907.9154 direct
267.907.9190 fax