Silvi Group Companies Education Scholarship

The Silvi Group Companies sponsors The Northeast CIM Patrons Endowed Scholarship. This is a scholarship for students enrolled in the Concrete
Industry Management (CIM) program at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The scholarship has helped concrete industry students at NJIT realize their educational goals. The Silvi Group enjoys feedback from recipients on how the scholarship has helped them pursue their degree in CIM. Below are excerpts from recent letters received from students who have been awarded the scholarship.


Makar I.
I am thankful for your continued interest in my education at New Jersey Institute of Technology. The Northeast CIM Patrons Endowed Scholarship has
been an extremely helpful asset that you have provided me. Your contribution has helped me financially as well personally, that is to say that I’m
not the only one looking out for my college career.

Within my acadameics I enjoy my major core classes that are hands-on learning, such as Advanced Concrete Testing and Properties. I have begun to
pursue my Masters Degree in Civil Engineering…I am taking Construction Engineering Management…with the help of my advisors Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub
and Anlee Orama, pushing me forward to succeed.


Walter C.
I feel the need to tell you THANK YOU tremendously for the trust and opportunity you have provided. It is not only the monetary value that
encourages students to dedicate their time to school; it is the feeling of knowing that you were recognized for all the work you accomplished in
your school career…All this would not have happened if there were not great people like you. People who provide an opportunity to students they
have never met.