We offer more than 75 crushed stone products available in a variety of colors, sizes, and gradations.

Silvi Receives Positive Feedback on Driver Safety
I am a long time CDL driver that lives on Cross Rd. which is part of your Pottstown run to the Turnpike project. I have been home most weekdays that your trucks have been running. I followed a truck so I could see where all this concrete was going. We live on a dangerous corner and have seen too many accidents over the years. Including fatal ones. I should have kept an inventory of what has landed in our yard.
I commend your drivers for their safety consciousness and focused driving. I have observed no crazy speeding or feet dragging parade leaders(loaded or not) More importantly, nobody has been on their phones. I compulsively observe everybody all the time and can tell you that too many other company’s drivers…
Please express my family’s gratitude to your drivers for their safety and for representing all of us truck drivers in a positive light.